Addicted to Facebook Applications?

Facebook is a victim a familiar spyware bot that use to affect AOL AIM users. Many users who have an addiction to adding every single application out on Facebook are now a victim of the ‘Someone has a crush on you’ Spamming Application. It’s not clear which application is creating this problem, but I suggest that Facebook Guru’s start cracking down on this. Users that have the application, it automatically creates messages on friends wall to have them check out the special crush. You may ask how does the application have access. Well if you remember, when you add an application it asks if you would would like to grant it access to your account.

So the big questions is how do you fix this and why isnt Facebook controlling this? For the first question: My suggestion is to remove unused applications. If the application is smart as spyware, it will say its remove when its not. As far as the 2nd question, I think they are too occupied upgrading to the New Facebook.