Windows 7 – Win XP Mode

I downloaded Windows 7 – XP mode the other day from the virtual pc site. Its basically win xp vhd (virtual hard disk) running in virtual machine. The install unfortunately was not that fast. Took about 30 minutes to set up. (PC specs: 2.4 Intel Quad Core, 6 GB Ram)

Some screens from the install.


Windows 7 Keys

Microsoft doesnt have unique keys for beta release of Windows 7. Regular users are getting the following (tech net/msdn users are getting different keys)



Windows 7 first freeze

Well it was too good to be true. I experienced my first Windows 7 freeze. I downloaded IM client Digsby (great Adium alternative for windows) with Firefox and while it was installing Firefox got not responding. I was unable to end task through task manager. Instead when I accessed task manager W7 all together froze. Had to do a force quit and restart.

Stay tuned for more posts on Windows 7 beta reviews, All month long.

Windows 7 finally installed


Finally got Windows 7 installed on a spare 80 GB hard drive I had laying around. A lot of people have been installing it on VMWare or Virtual PC, but I decided to give Windows 7 its own dedicated hard drive.
Specs of System
Intel Q6600 – 2.4 Ghz
6 GB Ram
80 GB Hard drive
Nvidia 8600 GT

First Feel: Windows 7 (W7) feels real smooth and quick. It doesn’t lag as much as vista. The OS seems really fluid and streamlined.

Microsoft server getting blasted by Windows 7 downloads

If you weren’t one of the lucky ones to download Windows 7 beta release earlier this week. You might have to just wait a little be longer. Microsoft server was officially down last night due to the high number download requests for Windows 7. Windows 7 is said to be a better vista and restoring the great things that made Windows XP so successful. Some people have been able to get through and start their download but it gets stuck at about 300mb. Best bet: Check torrent sites. I’d host it but a 3.5 GB file will kill my server!